
Rivka Bent

Military Mom

This blog is a ‘next step’ continuation of our (meaning mine and all directly and indirectly connected to me), life’s adventures.  The original blog began on carepages.com, where I began chronicling the health and progress of my son who was afflicted with a rare and cancerous brain tumor while in the Marine Corps.  And who is now disabled and living at home.

I discovered that I enjoy writing in a forum where I can share truths, nonsense, sentimentality, and humor.  On Carepages I was careful that every post had a significant connection to my son, but here in BentRivka world it is, ‘no holds barred’!  Welcome to the twisted world otherwise known as the labyrinth of my mind.   You will find I use writing for cathartic purposes.  Yet I also hope to impart something new to the reader with each posting.

One last note; I observe, evaluate, take action, and feel deeply.  I also employ the use of the comma more than the grammatical experts enjoy; which in itself makes me smile.

Thank you for taking the time to read…I am blessed by your presence.

5 Responses to “About”

  1. Robert Monegan January 31, 2012 at 1:09 pm #

    Hello Rivka. It’s amazing your brother Aaron and I go all the way back to 3rd grade, the Highlands, Hayward, and Val’s Burgers…and yet, I never knew (until recent) he had siblings! Aaron is one of my oldest friends and the biggest supporter of my art and creative madness…and the first to tell me when I need to take a “diva” chill-out pill. LOL. Met groovy Greg for the first time last year. Hope to someday meet you…if for no other reason, to have breakfast at Tiffany’s. LOL

    • Rivka And Her Wit February 1, 2012 at 7:00 pm #

      Nice to hear from you, Robert. And yes, “nothing bad ever happens at Tiffany’s”…I will meet you there!

  2. Margie/Mom October 12, 2011 at 4:57 am #

    How does one comment in the future? I finally googled Extreme Cole and read your blog tonight in total. I love to read your writing and may even learn a couple more palabras en español.

    The letter to the Orange County Register is great. Please keep a copy of the paper when the article or whatever is printed.

    Cole’s fortune of meeting someone to motivate him is a godsend. His future with a disability is what I was trying to communicate to him when I was there in August but it didn’t make too much sense to him then. Having Harry there and the connection so close around the corner was another miracle. What is the song you were singing, “I believe in miracles.”?


  1. Keeping it Real « bentrivka - January 5, 2012

    […] the carepages entries are from the website where I first began blogging.  See my about page–https://bentrivka.com/about).  When reading the entries, I found myself blown away by a few of the writings…shoot, […]

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